Consistent with the importance of development efficiency, Murandi Communications has invested heavily in test tools and has well equipped, fully automated laboratories for doing RF design work to 20 GHz.
Our fully automated facilities include multiple spectrum and network analyzers, high and low frequency digital and analog signal generators, and noise figure and logic analysis tools.
More specialized equipment includes vector signal analysis equipment (including full WiMAX and cellular test suites), thermal imaging equipment, ESD measurement tools and an on-site, fully equipped, anechoic electromagnetic test chamber/automated test range capable of 3D radiation pattern generation, pre-compliance testing, and EMI troubleshooting to 18 GHz.
Murandi also has a number of auxiliary test facilities including a water/soil pit for characterizing surface and subsurface antennas, a high temperature testing room for larger systems, a regular full thermal testing chamber for both high and low temperatures, and shielded chambers.
All of our test equipment is fully integrated with our CAD software through GPIB and Ethernet links and we make extensive use of Eagleware (Genesys, Harbec, and EMPower), Spice, Mathcad, Matlab, Excel, HFSS, Serenade, and Numerical Electromagnetic Code CAD software. These programs allow us to perform accurate simulations of RF circuit and antenna performance before hardware is built.